Why was the pirate scared of the movie?
Because it was rated arrrrrr!
Clean, funny jokes submitted by children around the world.
From Emma, 8 years old, Nashville,Tennessee
Why was the pirate scared of the movie?
From Cledus, age 9, Noth Carolina
Why coudn’t the kid go see the pirate movie ?
From Evan, age 10, Sheffield, England
Why couldn’t the pirate fight?
From Sarah, age 12, Richmond, Virginia
Can you go to the new pirate movie?
From Fergus, age 7, Glasgow
How many computers does a pirate have?
From Jackson, age 8, USA
Where is a Pirates favorite place to eat?
9647 clean kids jokes, and growing every day! JokesByKids.com is published by me, Barbara J. Feldman: mom, wife, syndicated columnist, and founder of Surfnetkids.com.
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