Three little pigs went to a restaurant.
The waiter walked over to the pigs and said, “What would you like for your appetizers?
Pig 1 replied, “Crackers!”
Pig 2 replied, “French fries!”
Pig 3 answered, “Lots and lots of water.”
Another waiter walked up the the 3 little pigs and asked, “What would like for dinner?”
Pig 1 said, “Roast beef!”
PIg 2 replied, “Steak!”
Pig 3 answered, “Lots and lots of water!”
After dinner the waiter came back and asked, What would like for dessert?”
Pig 1 replied, “A sundae!”
Pig 2 said, “Candy!”
Pig 3 answered, “Lots and lots of water!”
Then the waiter asked, the third little pig, “Why do you want so much water?”
Pig Jokes
Pig 3 replied, “Well, I’m the pig that has to go we we we all the way home!”
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Pig who?
Pig up your feet or you’ll twip!
What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with a pig?
Jurassic pork!
What do pigs put on when they get burned?
There were 5 pigs. They went to a restaurant. When the waitress took their order, the fifth pig kept ordering water. On the way out the waitress asked why he kept ordering water.
He said ,”Well someone had to go we,we, we all the way home.”
Who did they call when the pig needed to go to the hospital?
A hambulance!!!