Who invented fractions?
Henry 1/8.
Clean, funny jokes submitted by children around the world.
From Pritish, age 13, Sydney
Who invented fractions?
From Rachel P, age 8, USA
What is the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
From Jason, age 6, Nashua, NH
What does a cow read every morning?
From Samantha, age 6, Canada
What did zero say to eight?
From Jenna, 14 years old, Long Island, NY
What did the robot say when it couldn’t catch the train?
From Maddie, 10 years old, England
Why do fish live in salt water?
9647 clean kids jokes, and growing every day! JokesByKids.com is published by me, Barbara J. Feldman: mom, wife, syndicated columnist, and founder of Surfnetkids.com.
Jokes By Kids is now also available as free app.
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