What kind of band does a wife have?
A husband!
Clean, funny jokes submitted by children around the world.
From Jessica, age 10, Moree, Australia
What kind of band does a wife have?
From Kirsty, age 11, Scotland
What happened when Romeo monster meet Juliet monster?
From Hope, age 9, Kentucky
What did the broom say to the vacuum?
From Elly, age 10, California
What did the blanket say to the bed?
From Nansy (Annie), age 11, Korea
What has a head, a tail but no body?
From Jennifer, age 10, North Carolina
Why did the computer need glasses?
9647 clean kids jokes, and growing every day! JokesByKids.com is published by me, Barbara J. Feldman: mom, wife, syndicated columnist, and founder of Surfnetkids.com.
Jokes By Kids is now also available as free app.
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