Why did the math book go to the doctor?
Because he had problems!!
Once there was two nuts.One nut was the mother nut and the other nut was the kid nut.
A human came along and planted the two nuts.
Five years later the kid said to his mom
“GEE IM A TREE!!!!!” (Gee=GE IM=om A=e TREE=try)
“GEE IM A TREE!!!!!” (Gee=GE IM=om A=e TREE=try)
Why did the pig go to the doctor?
Because he was feeling pink!!!
What do you call a wizard that doesn’t want to be late?
Hurry Potter!
What do you call a line of waiting Barbies?
A Barbie queue.
Why do people sit on chairs?
Because they are chairful!