What is gray and has a trunk?
A mouse on vacation!!
Why aren’t ghosts good at telling lies?
Because you can see right through them!!!
What do you call a cow that can’t give milk?
A milk dud, or an utter failure!!
What’s Snow White’s brother’s name?
Egg White! Get the yolk!
Why wasn’t the woman scared of the man-eating shark?
Because it was a man-eating shark and she was a woman!!
A woman went out, leaving her husband to heat some water for tea.
The woman went to the store to get some food to go with the tea.
“Could I interest you in this lovely ox’s tongue?” said one shopkeeper.
“Oh no.” the woman said, “I couldn’t eat anything out of an animal’s mouth.
I’ll just take half a dozen eggs!
I’ll just take half a dozen eggs!