What can you count on when you are losing?
Your fingers!
Clean, funny jokes submitted by children around the world.
From Jumpy, age 12, U.S. North America
What can you count on when you are losing?
From God-Lover, age 11, USA
Teacher:Do you know about Isaac Newton?
From Nick, age 10, Georgia,US
Why did the chicken cross the road?
From Whitney, age 9, England
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Len who?
From Samster, age 8, Woodside, California, USA
Why did the gum cross the road?
From Sunshine, age 8, Georgia
What do you get when you cross a pig and cactus?
9647 clean kids jokes, and growing every day! JokesByKids.com is published by me, Barbara J. Feldman: mom, wife, syndicated columnist, and founder of Surfnetkids.com.
Jokes By Kids is now also available as free app.
Comments and questions are welcome at ReplyToBarbara.com