Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Alec who?
Where should you put your T.V.?
Alacadabra, Alacadabra:how do you spell that?
Why do all socks have holes?
There were three kids who walked home from school together. One boy
was in charge of the keys, as it would have been a hassle to carry three
seperate keys when they could easily be held by one person. They lived
in a 90 story building and all three of them lived on the 90th floor.
Thankfully, there was an elevator, so they never had to climb the
stairs. One day after school, they found that the elevator had broken, and
so they had to climb the stairs. They decided that, to pass the time as
they were walking up the stairs, they would each tell a story. The
first kid would recall a happy memory, the second kid would tell a scary
story, and the third kid would tell a sad story. When it was the third
kid’s turn and they were finally on the 89th floor, after an hour of
climbing, the kid told his friends “I have only one sad story to tell.”
What do you call a dead Jedi?