Tom,Bob,Billy and Tim all died and went to Heaven. An Angel showed them a clock room. The Angel said “How fast your clock ticks is how much you’ve sinned.” Tom’s clock was ticking slowly.Bob’s was ticking as fast as a normal clock. Tim’s was a little faster. Then they all ask the Angel. Where’s Billy’s?
The Angel said.”His is in my office.I use it as a fan.”
Jack: Hey! Get your elbow out of my ribs!
Mike: I don’t have my elbow in your ribs! I have it in your food!
Jack: I’m eating ribs, Mike!
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Kenya who?
Kenya open the door for me, please?
Why did the booger cross the road?
‘Cause it was being picked on!
How does Bob Marley like his dough nuts?
With Jammin’ them!
Why did the pig cross the road?
To get to the other sty!