Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Somebody who can’t reach the doorbell!
Clean, funny jokes submitted by children around the world.
From Kavya, age 11, U.S.A
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
From Chymae, age 11, Wellington,Texas
What’s similar about a dog and a tree?
From Mbee, age 10, Utah U.S.A
Why can’t you tell a joke while your on ice?
From Zach, age 9, England
What goes tick tock bow wow tick tock bow wow?
From Lily'o, age 7, US
What goes “oh oh oh”?
From Amanda, age 11, Chesterfield, Virginia
Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Marcus who?
9647 clean kids jokes, and growing every day! is published by me, Barbara J. Feldman: mom, wife, syndicated columnist, and founder of
Jokes By Kids is now also available as free app.
Comments and questions are welcome at