One day a blonde is taking a walk. She gets lost on one side of the river. She sees another blonde on the other side and she yells, “HOW DO YOU GET ON THE OTHER SIDE?”
Blonde Jokes
There was a blonde, a brunette and a red-headed girl. They were looking in the newspaper at an ad with a laughing tower. So, the three girls went to the laughing tower. The rules were: there are 100 floors and on each floor there was a man who told you a joke. If you made it to the 100th floor without laughing you would win $10,000.
The brunette laughed on the 37th floor, and the redhead laughed on the 68th floor. The blonde was on the 100th floor and had just gotten off the elevator when she laughed. The man said,“Why did you laugh? I haven’t even told the joke yet.â€?
A blonde, a brunette and a redhead were walking together. Along came a genie. The genie says,”Tell me something true about yourself and I will give you one wish. But if you tell a lie, I will make you disappear.”
So, the brunette says,”I think I’m pretty.” And she disapears. The redhead says,”I think I’m smart.” And she disappears.
Why did the blonde take the 22 bus twice?
One day two blondes left a store and when they returned to their car, they saw the keys locked inside. One blonde went back to the store and bought a pack of coat hangers and tried each one as a key.
How did the blonde fall out of the tree?