Yup, we got a new look! And for those of you visiting from your mobile phone or tablet, it should be an improved layout.
Here’s little bit of behind-the-scenes tech:I just switched WordPress frameworks from Thesis to Genesis. I’m using the HTML 5 Metro Pro child theme that is fully responsive, but I modified it quite a bit.
It’s also the first time I am using mobile ads, so if you visit from a phone or a tablet, you will see a small 320x50px mobile banner.
Another change to the site is switching from Google Custom Search to the native WordPress search. I did this because WordPress search has improved a lot over the years, and it presents the search results in the familiar JokesByKids layout, meaning that it preserves the “Show Punchline” format and the thumbs up/thumbs down voting. To add functionality to the search, I use the Relevanssi plugin. This gives users the ability to search for jokes by author, city or country. Since these fields are stored in a custom field, they these are NOT included in the standard WordPress search.
And while I’m on the topic of custom fields, I also use the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to ease use of custom fields for our joke editors.
What do you think?
What a great idea!!!!:-)